On Immunity-by Eula Biss
/My daughter, Kiona told me about a book she was reading, On Immunity, otherwise I would never have picked it up. It sounds like something a doctor would read and I’m not one although I do like learning about medical things. At one point in my life I wanted to be a doctor. I had worked as a lay midwife for seven years and although Ioved having the honor and privelege to be with women as they gave birth, I started to feel inadequately equipped and decided I wanted to go to medical school. I finished my college degree and had great grades but the MCAT (Medical College Admission Test) was another story. Because of my age, 50 or perhaps my history of mind dulling recreational endeavors, my memory was on the sluggish side so my scores on the MCAT were average which isn’t good enough. I applied to the University of Utah since that was my one and only choice. My children were teens so I couldn’t go away to med school. I eagerly opened the letter one spring day, “we regret to inform you……in so many words… you don’t measure up, forget about it, loser.” I was heart broken. I really wanted to go to med school. That same day I went out and got a brand new puppy. Balboa. The cutest little shitzu in the world and my pain eased a skosh.
But I continue to be curious. I like to ask when someone says they came down with something, what were your symptoms? I am entirely in awe of the human body and like learning about the causes of our ailments. Kiona has been a great explainer and a doctor to me on the side. I love asking her medical questions because she explains in clear understandable terms and knows everything about everything.
About a month ago I had a severe allergic reaction and consulted three different doctors. One said it could be shingles and gave me an anti-viral, one said stop taking the anti-viral, one said it could be cellulitis and gave me IV antibiotics. Meantime I had a fever and was cherry-red in the face and my ear was so swollen it couldn’t bend. I didn’t know where to turn so I called Kiona who helped me figure out it was an allergic reaction and recommended benadryl and zyrtec. I got better. I suspect the allergy was from a statin which I had just started taking six days ago. I still am not positive because I was so sick, I am afraid to try again to verify the allergy. I like to understand what is going on in my body. It is always a point of curiosity. So anyway Kiona seemed to be liking the book On Immunity so I plopped it on my kindle.
What I learned is that vaccines started a long time ago and we humans have always been skeptical. It is an invasion of the skin and who wants to get a foreign disease stuck into their body? But in the end, vaccines have wiped out several deadly diseases like polio (in most places) and small pox. What I found interesting— and hadn’t thought of it like this —was the fact that the big benefit of getting vaccinated is not just to protect yourself but it protects your fellow man. So in a sense it is an altruistic act and a social responsibility. When 80% of people get vaccinated, that is enough to cause herd immunity. I never thought of vaccination as an honorable thing to do. Biss told a story of a little boy who came back from Europe with the measles and infected a whole waiting room full of kids. Measles can be serious. So when parents choose not to vaccinate their children, they are in a sense putting everyone at risk. It is understandable that we are afraid. Biss researched this book thoroughly and tells an interesting story of the history of inoculations and blends the medical knowledge and research with her life as a mother to a child with severe allergies and a father who is a doctor. I found the book super interesting and felt a little bit smarter after reading it. I am eager to get a covid vaccine. I am tired of living in isolation and fear of each person I pass on the street. It’s been a long time coming. Joe will be getting his shot next week from the V.A. I am thankful for reading the book On Immunity because if I had any second-thoughts about taking the covid vaccine, they’ve been seriously erased. Tomorrow morning I get online and sign up to get in line to get the wierd looking spikey corona shot into my body so I wont’ get the real thing which as you know can be no big deal or death or somewhere in between. Science, I love you.